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What is the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS)?
​The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) supports the decarbonisation of heat in buildings. It provides upfront capital grants to support the installation of heat pumps and biomass boilers in homes and non-domestic buildings in England and Wales.
Acting on behalf of property owners, installers can apply for:
£7,500 off the cost and installation of an air source heat pump
£7,500 off the cost and installation of a ground source heat pump, including water source heat pumps
£5,000 off the cost and installation of a biomass boiler
How will the scheme work?
The scheme is designed to minimise the amount of work property owners need to do. It is ‘installer-led’, which means your chosen installer will:
make a BUS application on your behalf
liaise with Ofgem on most matters related to the scheme
tell Ofgem when they’ve installed your heating system
claim the money from Ofgem at the end of the project
The grant value should be deducted from your quote upfront and installers are responsible for passing on the discount that the BUS grant provides to you, the property owner.
For more information on the scheme please use the link provided https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/environmental-and-social-schemes/boiler-upgrade-scheme-bus/property-owners
How long will voucher last
Applicants will have a set validity period to ensure the vouchers are utilised in a timely manner and that unused vouchers can be recycled.
The validity period will be three months for ASHP and biomass boiler vouchers, and six months for GSHP vouchers.
How to apply
Applying for the voucher — this will be led by the installer, and would take place before installation of a heating system
Redeeming the voucher — this will be led by the installer, which will confirm proof of the installation and process the completed paperwork
The government says it will "work closely with the scheme administrator on the detailed design of the administration and digital solution to ensure it works for all users".
Which heating systems are eligible
The following types of heat pumps will be supported:
Ground source heat pumps
Water source heat pumps (which the government considers in the same tech category as GSHPs)
Air source heat pumps
Biomass boilers will be supported, but only in rural areas with populations of 10,000 people or less. They won’t be offered to people in urban areas.
Systems with a total capacity of up to 45kW will be eligible for the scheme.
*****Homeowners will need a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) to apply to the Boiler Upgrade Scheme*****
Who will be eligible
All homeowners, small landlords and private landlords will be eligibly to apply for grant.
However, all applicants must have a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) - typically one which has been issued in the last 10 years .
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Who wont be eligible ?
Anyone living in new build and social housing will not be eligible for support under the scheme.
What about self builder
Custom and self build homes will be eligible for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, the government has confirmed.
Self builders will be given a three-month validity period to complete their installations, and will not have to provide an EPC to evidence insulation eligibility.
Which systems wont be covered
Support will be available to installations providing space and water heating in buildings, but the grant will exclude:
Hydrogen boilers (which aren't expected to be available by the time the scheme ends)
Solar thermal will not be directly supported. However, solar thermal systems can be installed as part of a heat pump or biomass system that is funded on the scheme, providing the heating system can meet the full space and water heating requirements of the home.